The "Born this Way: Relating Biblical Truth to a Drifting Culture" Men's Breakfast at Bethel Temple Church sparked a new phenomenon amongst the R.E.A.L. Men of Bethel; a real desire and since of urgency to spread the truth of the Gospel of Jesus with those they know who need a fresh touch from Him. A few of the comments we received testify to this fact.
Minister Greg wrote, "The event this morning was awesome from the food to the filling of God's Word. When I left I was full, the food was health to my navel and marrow to my bones. But, the word was manifested in my spirit man! Please the the brothers I said thank you for the hospitality they showed me. I will be in touch. Have a blessed day!"
My Brother Richard wrote, "Man was that a great meeting. I truly believe the Holy Spirit was at work through you guys. The meeting has encouraged me to not only Love (agape) people despite their infirmities, but also to be bold in the profession of my faith in hopes the retore broken relationships that people may have with God. You are doing a mighty, mighty thing for the Kingdon through Christ".